Saving Florida’s Native Homebuilders
Marielle Zuber is a graduate student at the University of Florida school of Journalism and Communications. Because of her passion for animals, Marielle knew she wanted to make her project about that.
She narrowed down her topic by focusing on an endangered species native to Florida that held a lot of importance to the ecosystem.
After learning more about the gopher tortoise and relocation as a preservation measure, Marielle was curious about what happened to the other animals who used the burrows, since they are not mentioned often when people are discussing gopher tortoise relocation.
Now knowing what she does, Marielle hopes that this website will raise awareness and encourage more people to advocate for protections not only for gopher tortoises, but for the other animal species as well.
Special thanks to committee members
Cynthia Barnett
Kasey Windels
John Freeman
FWC Friendly Yard Program: https://myfwc.com/wildlifehabitats/wildlife/gopher-tortoise/yard-recognition/
FWC Recipient Site Information: https://myfwc.com/license/wildlife/gopher-tortoise-permits/recipient-sites/
FWC Gopher Tortoise Permitting Guidelines: http://www.gophertortoise.org/tortoise/pdf/GT-Permitting-Guidelines-FINAL-Feb2015.pdf
Special thanks to sources
Victoria Strange
Chase Pirtle
Katie Long
Kolby Altabet